Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Life Expectancy of Mesothelioma Patients

In assessing the life expectancy of mesothelioma patients is necessary to take into account the number of factors, each patient has an entirely different case. Because scientists are working overtime to reach a new treatment routine, it's no surprise that the life expectancy of mesothelioma patients are increasing. For patients with mesothelioma, the average life expectancy is in the range of five to eighteen months.

Factors to consider

Disease stage
The point of diagnosis
Type you are suffering from mesothelioma. Located Includes advanced mesothelioma and mesothelioma.
Your age
Your overall health
Types viable treatment for you
Mesothelioma Stage

The stage of mesothelioma cancer can give a clear indication of how long you will live. Because the symptoms of mesothelioma at an early stage are quite identical to other common diseases, there is always a possibility that mesothelioma patients not receiving a proper diagnosis. Once the disease is discovered, which is already in the advanced stage, it is not easy to treat and therefore much less life expectancy.

At this point in time, there is no real cure for mesothelioma cancer, but with the help of several routines mesothelioma treatment, mesothelioma patients can increase their life expectancy, especially if diagnosed early in the piece. Contact mesothelioma centers immediately if you think you have been exposed to asbestos. At these centers, you get all the necessary information regarding the tests for the early stages of mesothelioma.

Early detection and aggressive treatment

A recent study has concluded that two of the most important factors in increasing the life expectancy of mesothelioma patients is early detection and aggressive treatment. With aggressive treatment, life expectancy of patients with mesothelioma may be increased by more than two years. For early detection of mesothelioma is very important not to wait for symptoms to start making their presence felt.

Latency period and mesothelioma

Unlike other forms of cancers in which the symptoms of the surface quickly, the symptoms of mesothelioma can lie dormant in the body for more than thirty years. This long latency period a number of occasions resulting in delayed diagnosis. In many cases, the diagnosis is made when the disease has reached advanced stage. This makes the exercise of all mesothelioma treatment ineffective. Patients diagnosed in advanced stages are receiving palliative care, which are much more comfortable in nature but are not as effective in curing the disease.


According to the latest research, smoking can reduce the rate of life expectancy of people diagnosed with mesothelioma. Therefore, it is important to get rid of their smoking habits once they are diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Treatment options for patients with mesothelioma

With regard to treatment options, you can go for radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Before any decision is better than you interact with your healthcare provider.


  1. This is a very informative piece for anyone that is affected by, or knows someone affected by, mesothelioma. I know that asbestos is a big cause of it, and it makes me worry for my kids. I read here that asbestos is being found in schools' science kits expsig children to this substance. It's quite frightening to be frank.

  2. Its terrible that although we banned the mining of asbestos here in the US, tons of the toxic chemical are still imported from abroad! Whats wrong with us!? I am still worried that our children will still be dealing with the effects of it 50 years from now. Asbestos is still a huge global business because developing countries still import and use it in construction! That edges on immoral business practices... Read here for more info: http://bit.ly/BanAsbestosBlogs
